Kanakmani Dixit

कनकमणि दीक्षित

कनकमणि दीक्षित नेपाली पत्रकार तथा साहित्यकार हुन्।  उनले काउबूढी र अरू कथाका लागि २०५५ सालको साझा बालसाहित्य पुरस्कार पाएका छन्।

Kanak Mani Dixit (born January 27, 1956) is a Nepali publisher, editor and writer. He is the founder of the magazine Himal Southasian and cofounder of Himalmedia. Dixit was born in Lalitpur. He studied at the Tri Chandra College in Kathmandu and obtained there his Bachelor of Arts in 1975. He studied at the University of Delhi, where he obtained a Bachelor of Laws. Afterwards he studied at the Columbia University, where he obtained two Master's degrees, one in 1981 in international relations and one year later one in Journalism.

Books by Kanakmani Dixit