How do I withdraw my earnings?

Publishers (and self-published authors) can log in to the Thuprai Publisher Dashboard to view their royalty earnings and initiate withdrawals to their bank accounts.

  1. Login to Thuprai using your account with publisher privileges.
    If you are a publisher at Thuprai and haven't received publisher access, please create a new account and contact
    Logging In at Thuprai
  2. When logged in, hover on My Account navigation item on the top right to open a drop-down menu. If you have publisher access, you will see Publisher Dashboard item in the dropdown. Click on it to open the publisher dashboard.
    Publisher Dashboard on Dropdown Menu
  3. From the publisher dashboard, click Withdraw Earnings.
  4. Update your bank details and PAN details if necessary.
  5. Enter the withdrawal amount.

    The withdrawal is usually processed within three business days. A withdrawal fee not exceeding 20 Nepali rupees will be deducted from the publisher's account.
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