How do I view sales reports?

  1. Login to Thuprai using your account with publisher privileges.
    If you are a publisher at Thuprai and haven't received publisher access, please create a new account and contact
    Logging In at Thuprai
  2. When logged in, hover on My Account navigation item on the top right to open a drop-down menu. If you have publisher access, you will see Publisher Dashboard item in the dropdown. Click on it to open the publisher dashboard.
    Publisher Dashboard on Dropdown Menu
  3. From the publisher dashboard, click
    • Live Sales Data to view realtime sales reports.
    • E-book Sales Summary to view summary of purchase initiations, checkouts, and completed purchases of all your e-books filtered by book title and date.
    • Share an e-book to share the e-book with someone else for review or proof

Direct Links:

Publisher Dashboard
Realtime E-book Sales Data
E-book Sales Summary

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