How do I redeem a voucher link?

Voucher codes enable instant access to e-books.

  1. If you have received a URL like, you can directly open the link in your browser to redeem the voucher. Redeeming the voucher code requires you to login or signup.
  2. You can read full books using our app. Download Thuprai app for your platform from:
  3. Log-in to the app and navigate to Library to find the redeemed book.

To claim using Thuprai Android app:

  1. Install Thuprai app from Playstore -
  2. Open the app and tap on More button on the right of the bottom toolbar.
  3. Login or create a new account.
  4. Now open the voucher link with the Thuprai app.
  5. Tap on Redeem.
  6. Enjoy reading the book.


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