Taksar Vol. 1 Issue 12

टक्सार वर्ष १, अंक १२ : समानान्तर 'सत्ता'


Rs 150 200

Physical Magazine

Rs 200
Bodhi Sanchar
Genre:Business & Economics
Language: Nepali
Published: March 20, 2022

टक्सारको चैत्र अंकमा निम्न विषयवस्तु प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ। 
-एनजीओ/आईएनजीको समानान्तर साम्राज्यबारे रिपोर्ट
-कोकाकोला कर छली प्रकरण- अनुसन्धानदेखि मुद्दासम्मको फलोअप
-साइबर जोखिममा नेपाल
-वैदेशिक सहायता नियमन गर्न छुट्टै कानुन आवश्यक-कृष्ण ज्ञवाली
-गैससका कामकारबाहीबारे हरि रोकाको विश्लेषण
-डलर संकटले व्यावसायीहरू त्रसित्
-असफलउन्मुख सेज
र, अन्य नियमित सामग्रीहरू

Taksar is a monthly magazine producing eco-political issues published by Bodhi Sanchar Pvt Ltd. It produces criticism on fiscal and economy-related policies with contemporary issues of the financial and corporate sector giving guidelines for eco-political understanding. Taksarnews.com is a platform for producing published issues of Taksar Magazine and other related issues of the economy as a whole. It is assisted by Lumbinisanchar.com which has been actively producing all activities in the local, national and international arena. 

Taksar is a premium monthly magazine that delivers in-depth coverage of economic, business and financial news of Nepal. Choose to order a copy of the physical magazine or read on-the-go with Taksar e-magazine.
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