Written 88 years ago by George Bernard Shaw, this political satire is still relevant today. Transformed into a Nepali context, the play revolves around the King, the Prime Minister, a Maoist leader and other political leaders of different parties. It is a story of the struggle for the Power. The Prime Minister is aware of the upcoming political crisis and tries to convince the King to address the situation. On the other hand there is a maoist leader who is dreaming to become the first president of the country while remaining aloof from other political parties. Other leaders don’t take things seriously and are busy abusing each other. Performed in 2008, the play was performed during a very crucial time in Nepal when the country was facing political crisis. With a pinch of comedy, the Director had transformed the play into Nepali context at that time very creatively.

Director: Ghimire Yubaraj
Playwright: Adopted from George Bernard Shaw’s original play The Apple Cart 

On Stage:

  • Rajan Khatiwada
  • Ghimire Yubaraj
  • Mahesh Shrestha
  • Chiranjivi Bhattarai
  • Ganga Prasad Tiwari
  • Gopal Aryal
  • M.S Agraj Deep Basnet
  • Ranju Shrestha
  • Bina Bhattarai
  • Sushmita Sapkota
  • Apsara Rawat
  • Bhojraj Neupane
  • Roshan Giri 
  • Bibhusan Basnet
  • Govinda Koirala