
10 years of Maoist war in Terai plains in Nepal have left many scars. The play is based on such trauma that still exists in the society. The story revolves around two families who only speak Maithili. When surrounded by army, they are unable to explain in Nepali that the father is just a common man in the village. The army takes him away. The maoists then forcefully tries to recruit the son among their ranks. The family buys his freedom with their neighbor’s beloved pet goat Sakhi. Sakhi is a symbol depicting that it was the voiceless who suffered the most in the war. The goat is a symbol of sacrifice and represent the thousands of untold stories of families shattered by long insurgency. The play also shows pure love and friendship, showing the innocence that was destroyed. The main language of the play is Maithili with a few dialogues in Nepali.

Director: Ghimire Yubaraj
Playwright: Ramesh Ranjan Jha

On Stage:

  • Priyanka Jha
  • Sabin Kattel
  • Rambhajan Kamat
  • Pabitra Khadka
  • Nilesh Jha
  • Sangita Uraun
  • Deben Karki
  • Suresh GC
  • Bibek Tiwari
  • Jhakendra BC
  • Sulav Pandey
  • Namaraj KC
  • Sangeeta Pokhrel
  • Anuja Adhikari


Location map for Sakhi- Drama