‘Nirdosh ma’ is a collection of five short stories produced by Shilpee Theatre’s 7th batch students. Victims of circumstances, all short stories are symbolic in nature in this play. While some plays are fictional, some are based on real life stories. Among the 5 short plays ‘Ma rupiya’ is a story of a 500 rupee note that is victimized by the demonetization in India. The ‘Selfie-Fish’ is about 4 fish which are caught from the river to be sold. The ‘Topi’ is a story of traditional dhaka topi of Terathum. Likewise, ‘Khaddhamma ko Bhagya’ is based on a real incident of Dolma Sherpa, who returned to Nepal after spending 10 years of jail in Kuwait. The last story ‘Bogatiko Bayan’ is a statement of an under aged criminal who thinks that the society, nation’s weak system and his circumstances made him into a criminal.

Director: Loonibha Tuladhar
Playwright: The story is developed by improvisation

On Stage:

  • Bansri Pandey
  • Prabav Dhakal
  • Shrisesh Shrestha
  • Caraline Chand
  • Samrat Bhujel
  • Manhang Lawati
  • Menuka Rai
  • Nisha Pakhrin
  • Rohit Khatri


Location map for Nirdosh Ma- Drama