Table of Contents


Illustrations ix
Acknowledgments xi
Author’s Note on Transliteration
and Pseudonyms xv
Preface xvii
Introduction: Public Intimacy and Voicing
Subjects in Kathmandu 1
1 . Intimate Callings and Voices of Reform: Law,
Property, and Familial Love 42
2 . Seeing Face and Hearing Voice: Tactile Vision and Signs of Presence 87
3 . Making Waves: The Social and Political Context of FM Radio 124
4 . Mero Kathā, Mero Gīt: Affective Publics, Public Intimacy, and Voiced Writing 161
5 . Diasporic Voices: Sound of the Diaspora in Kathmandu 215
Epilogue: Royal Victims, Voicing Subjects 242
Notes 255
References 273
Index 291