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Personality Development Handbook

by Dp Sabharwal
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Fingerprint! Publishing
Language: mr
Published:January 05, 2016

About the Book

The society and the increasingly competitive world of work throw challenges at you every day. Combating them with unfaltering confidence is the sure-shot way to success. it is your personality that conveys to the world what you are. the Personality Development Handbook is a guide to the perfectly groomed and confident you. Know the correct way to carry yourself - from your appearance to the way you talk and what you say. Master social etiquette and the art of being at ease with yourself. a socially graceful person is always admired and sought after at all gatherings. Even more so in the corporate world - excellent communication skills and behavior are highly regarded and desired. the art of perfect etiquette is remaining natural while being sophisticated and polished. Learn it all in the Personality Development Handbook and command your fullest potential.