The Race to Hornswaggle Rock

The Race to Hornswaggle Rock

by Ruth Quayle
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Genre:Children's stories
Language: en
Published:May 02, 2019

About the Book

Vic is from a family of pirates, and they are preparing to enter the Race to Hornswaggle Rock, the hardest, most dangerous pirate contest in the country. But the dastardly Captain Guillemot has stolen their ship and thrown their parents overboard. Together with siblings Bert and Maud, and annoyingly resourceful friends Arabella and George, Vic must come up with a plan to steal the ship back from their arch-enemy, join the race and win victory. But there are fearsome pirate crews, hungry sharks and some lovesick parrots in the way - will they be the rulers of the seven seas or the scurviest losers to ever walk the plank?