Taylor Ellwood

I'm Taylor Ellwood.

I've been writing since I was a teenager. I published my first book in 2003 and since then have continued writing and publishing books regularly on a number of topics.

I originally started out in the traditional publishing world, but I have since become a self-publisher. I love being an indie author and write both fiction and non-fiction.

Check out at my zombie apocalypse fiction reader group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/imagi...

Check out my occult reader group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Magic...

I write in the following genres:

1. Occult/esoteric books - I share my experiences and experiment with magic and the occult. I write cutting edge books that explore what could magic can be and how it can evolve. Here are links to just a few of the books I've written in the occult genre

The Process of Magic: A Guide to How Magic Works

Inner Alchemy: Energy Work and the Magic of the Body

Walking with Magical Entities: How to Create and Work with Servitors, Egregores, and Thought Forms to Get Consistent Results

Pop Culture Magick: A How to Guide to Practical Pop Culture Magick

Space/Time Magic: A Guide to Practical Probability Magic

2. Fiction books - I write fiction books, currently in the superhero fiction and zombie apocalypse fiction genres, but there will be other genres as well. Here are links to a few of the Fiction books I've written:

The Zombie Apocalypse Call Center

Learning How to Fly

Books by Taylor Ellwood