Scott H. DeLisi

Scott DeLisi spent 35 years roaming the world as an American diplomat and had the honor to serve as U.S. Ambassador to Eritrea, Nepal and Uganda. Today, Scott leads Engage Nepal, a charitable foundation dedicated to helping its partners in Nepal shape a future of hope. He also serves as a consultant at the State Department, lectures often, blogs from time to time, and generally pursues a portfolio of interests. He and his wife, Leija, who was this book's editor and motivator-in-chief, loved all their postings over the years, but Nepal touched their hearts more than any other assignment. Leija convinced him that this story, in particular, from their time in Nepal, needed to be told. So, for all those who believe as Lo Khyi does, that our dreams can come true, Scott wrote The Ambassador's Dog.


Books by Scott H. DeLisi