Reba Riley

I’m Reba Riley, the author of Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome: A Memoir of Humor and Healing in 30 Religions, blogger, speaker, former Evangelical Poster Child and lover of all things sparkly. I live with my husband, Trent, and Welsh terrier, Oxley, in Cincinnati, Ohio, where I plan to write more books...after I recover from Post-Traumatic Memoir Syndrome.
My hope is that PTCS will inspire you, give you hope, make you laugh out loud at least once (preferably while drinking coffee so you snort it up your nose), and spark an international conversation about the reality of spiritual injury and the many paths to healing.
I love to connect with my readers! Please find me on Facebook/RebaRileyAuthor and Twitter @RebaRiley and share Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome, your story, or favorite quotes on social media with #PTCS #Godiverse or #SpiritualHealing and tag @RebaRiley.

Can’t wait to hear from you!
Love, Reba

Books by Reba Riley