Phyllis Vega

I am a professional astrologer, and tarot reader. For the past 39 years I have been a New Age counselor, teacher, researcher, and writer. I am the author of 13 books on tarot, astrology, and numerology. I do private readings in tarot and astrology, in person or over the phone, from my Miami office. I'm also doing tarot and astrology readings and teaching workshops on a variety of topics including, Phyllis Vega's Tarot Seminar Levels 1-3, SpellCraft, Crystal Power, Candle Magic, at Five Sisters in Miami, Florida. I write a monthly column called, Tarot Talk/Astro Talk, for The Cauldron and Candle Newsletter of The Cauldron, A Pagan Website. The archived columns may be found on my Tarot Talk website.

Books by Phyllis Vega