Jonathan Darman

Jonathan Darman is a journalist and historian who writes about American politics and the presidency. He is the author of the forthcoming BECOMING FDR: THE PERSONAL CRISIS THAT MADE A PRESIDENT. It is the story of how sudden illness and recovery remade Franklin Roosevelt's character, creating the man who could lead his country through the Depression and World War II.

His book LANDSLIDE: Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan at the Dawn of a New America chronicled a thousand transformative days in the 1960s through the eyes of two iconic American presidents.

As a former national political correspondent for Newsweek, Jonathan covered the presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Mitt Romney and wrote extensively about other major figures in national politics and media. He covered the 2004 presidential campaign for the magazine’s special election project, which garnered the National Magazine Award for Single Topic Issue. Jonathan has also appeared frequently as a commentator on politics and presidential history on broadcast television, cable news and public radio.

Jonathan is a graduate of Harvard College where he studied American history and literature. He lives in Brooklyn and the Hudson Valley.

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Books by Jonathan Darman