Johnny Molloy

Johnny Molloy is a self-employed outdoor writer based in Johnson City, Tennessee. A Christian -- member of First Presbyterian Church, native Tennessean and free-market capitalist, he was born in Memphis and moved to Knoxville in 1980 to attend the University of Tennessee. It is here in Knoxville, where he developed his love of the natural world that has since become the primary focus of his life.

It all started on a backpacking foray into the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. That first trip, though a disaster, unleashed an innate love of the outdoors that has led to his spending over 100 nights in the wild per year, over the past 20 years, backpacking and canoe camping throughout our country and abroad. Specifically, he has spent over 650 nights in the Smokies alone, where he cultivated his woodsmanship and expertise on those lofty mountains.

In 1987, after graduating from the University of Tennessee with a degree in Economics, he continued to spend an ever increasing time in the natural places, becoming more skilled in a variety of environments. Friends enjoyed his adventure stories, one even suggested he write a book. Soon he was parlaying his love of the outdoors into an occupation.

The results of his efforts are 44 books.

Books by Johnny Molloy