Jamie Russell

When Jamie was five, he saw a Space Invaders arcade machine in a greasy fish and chip shop at the seaside. It blew his mind and started a lifelong love of videogames.

After graduating from London University, Jamie became a film critic for the BBC and a contributing editor for Total Film magazine. He was sent to special movie screenings and fed free sandwiches. He thought it was the best job ever.

But he was wrong…

A little later, he wrote for videogame magazine EDGE and realised that you could actually get paid for shooting aliens in the face with shotguns.

Since then he has worked as a screenwriter, speechwriter and as a narrative consultant for a big US tech company that swore him to secrecy. He has written several non-fiction books for grown ups on everything from videogames to zombies.

His fiction debut is the SKYWAKE trilogy for readers 9+ launching in March 2021. It's a story about videogames, aliens and what it takes to be a leader.

Books by Jamie Russell