Gabriel Dylan

Gabriel is a secondary school teacher who spends his free time living the double life of a YA and MG author.

Daddy to a tribe of small children, and a keen surfer and snowboarder, Gabriel loves travelling to snowy or beachy destinations, and reading horror and fantasy novels.

The idea for his debut novel, YA horror WHITEOUT, came to him whilst leading a Sixth form ski trip to the wilds of Austria and wishing a horde of vampires would descend from the trees and devour the students who weren't behaving.

His new book, MG horror SHIVER POINT : IT CAME FROM THE WOODS, is the first in a series from Piccadilly Press. Due out in September 2023, it mixes scares with humour, and references Gabriel's love of classic horror films from the 80s and 90s.

Books by Gabriel Dylan