Emily Liebert

Emily Liebert is the USA TODAY Bestselling Author of seven books.

PERFECTLY FAMOUS, her newest novel, was released on June 2, 2020. Prior to that, PRETTY REVENGE published on July 2, 2019. Both with Gallery/Simon& Schuster.

Her first narrative non-fiction book, FACEBOOK FAIRYTALES, is available across the globe.

In 2012, Emily wrote her debut novel, YOU KNEW ME WHEN, which published on September 3, 2013. Her second novel, WHEN WE FALL, published on September 2, 2014. THOSE SECRETS WE KEEP, her third novel, released on June 2, 2015, and her fourth novel, SOME WOMEN, came out on April 5, 2016, all with Penguin Random House.

Emily is featured often in the press, by outlets such as: Today Show, The Rachael Ray Show, Anderson Cooper, FOX News, Good Day New York, The Couch, Oprah Radio, Martha Stewart Radio, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, InStyle, OK!, Nylon, Ladies’ Home Journal, Woman’s World, WWD, Woman’s Day, The New York Post, The Washington Post, The New York Daily News, The Chicago Tribune, Boston Herald, and The Huffington Post.

She has also served as a spokesperson for Microsoft, appearing on TV and radio stations nationwide.

Books by Emily Liebert