David Lee

I am currently the elementary STEM/EdTech Specialist at Singapore American School in Singapore. My responsibility at the school is to facilitate educators in integrating STEM subject areas meaningfully and purposefully into their classroom to increase learner engagement and achievement, provide learners with real world experiences, develop their 21st century skills, promote creativity and innovation, and provide digital tools that are appropriate to each student's learning styles.

I was also the former elementary STEM Coordinator at Korea International School (KIS) in Seongnam, Korea. As the STEM Coordinator, I contributed to the vision and execution of the school's STEM program, worked collaboratively with all stakeholders (administrators, teachers, students, parents, & community), assisted in the development and delivery of transdiscipinary STEM professional development, and attended grade-levels meetings to move all teachers towards independence in the delivery of transdisciplinary instruction and curriculum. I also created meaningful connections between disciplines, planned and executed opportunities for students to showcase their work within the school and community (i.e. fairs, exhibition, etc.). As the design teacher, I engaged learners through open-ended inquiry-based activities in the KoLAB spaces by modeling and teaching the design thinking process.

I have been a conference presenter at the KORCOS conferences (2012 and 2014), the Google in Education South Korea Summits (2013 and 2014), Learning 2.0 (2014-2016), and 21CLHK (2018). I was the keynote speaker at a STEM conference called STEMapalooza (2018). I have a master's degree in education with an emphasis on EdTech. My research focused on a 1:1 program implementation model that incorporated essential 21st-century student outcomes and support systems.

Books by David Lee