Celia Haddon

"I have loved animals from as far back as I can remember", writes Celia Haddon. "As a child, I realised that some animals suffered at the hands of ignorant humans. To right this I have published several books about cats. Cats make me laugh. We humans don't really understand them, though. If we did, they would have a happier life.

For 20 years I wrote about companion animals (pets) for the Daily Telegraph. For 12 of these years I was a pet agony aunt and dealt with about 100,000 letters. My aim was to improve animals' lives by giving good information - and, with luck, to make my readers laugh at the same time.

I have also written several daily quotation books, now out of print, and a history of the first English Olimpick Games in 1612 - now republished in Kindle. My latest cat is Tilly and my latest cat book is Tilly: the Ugliest Cat in the Shelter. It tells the story of how I rescued Tilly from 18 months without adoption; and how she rescued me in the darkest moment of my life.

Tilly tweets at http://twitter.com/TillyUgliestCat

My former cat George lives on digitally and advises other cats how to train humans at http://george-online.blogspot.com

My website with useful animal behaviour information is www.catexpert.co.uk

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Books by Celia Haddon