Bijal Vachharajani

When Bijal Vachharajani is not reading a children’s book, she is writing or editing one.

She has written A Cloud Called Bhura: Climate Champions to the Rescue, which won the Auther Children’s Book Award 2020, and So You Want to Know About the Environment, and has co-authored 10 Indian Champions Who Are Fighting to Save the Planet and The Great Indian Nature Trail with Uncle Bikky.

Her picture books include PS What’s up with the climate?, What’s Neema Eating Today? and The Seed Savers.

The former editor of Time Out Bengaluru, Bijal has worked with, Fairtrade and Sanctuary Asia. Senior Editor at Pratham Books, Bijal has a Masters in Environment Security and Peace, with a specialisation in climate change from the University for Peace. She's now a certified climate worrier.

Books by Bijal Vachharajani