
born perhaps 448 BC
died perhaps 388 BC

Comedies, including The Clouds (423 BC) and Lysistrata (411 BC), of Greek playwright Aristophanes satirize Athenian society, politics, and philosophy.

Only eleven fully known works of the only style of ancient Aristophanes ( Αριστοφάνης ) survived.
* The Acharnians
* The Birds
* The Ecclesiazusae
* The Frogs
* The Knights
* Peace
* Plutus (wealth)
* The Thesmophoriazusae
* The Wasps
People translated these works into many languages, and theatrical productions continue to stage or to adapt them.

Contemporary issues of Aristophanes include the ongoing Peloponnesian war, the structure of the city-state, the role of women in public life, and the influence of notably Socrates in shaping public opinion.

Books by Aristophanes