Play Life More Beautifully's front cover

Play Life More Beautifully Reflections on Music, Friendship & Creativity

Rs 1759
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Genre:Arts, Music
Language: English
Dimensions:5.56 x 8.56 x 0.69 inches
Weight:323.18 g
Published: May 23, 2017

About the Book

When 86-year-old pianist and teacher Seymour Bernstein met Ethan Hawke, international film star, at a dinner party, the two quickly discovered they shared a common malady: stage fright. Based on his familiarity with nervousness prior to concerts, Seymour was able to provide Ethan with invaluable insight and advice. That was the beginning of a deep friendship. Renowned spiritual scholar and activist Andrew Harvey was a fellow dinner guest that auspicious night and contributed to the decision to create a documentary about Seymour exploring his unique combination of accomplished musician, teacher, and seasoned elder. The film, Seymour: An Introduction, directed by Ethan Hawke, has received enthusiastic critical acclaim. Seymour and Andrew’s friendship has continued to thrive with a shared curiosity and appreciation for the intersection of life and art. The trusting conversations captured in this book meld memory with philosophy, and observations with reflections, dissolving the line between teacher and pupil. With equal parts candor and generosity, Seymour and Andrew offer a master class in playing life with our fullest, most gracious selves.