Mediawriting's front cover
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Genre:Language, Grammar & Vocabulary
Language: English
Dimensions:7.38 x 8.75 x 0.91 inches
Weight:816 g
Published: February 01, 2012

About the Book

MediaWriting is an introductory, hands-on textbook for students preparing to write in the current multimedia environment. Rather than just talk about the differences among the styles of print, broadcast, and public relations, MediaWriting sythensizes and integrates them, while weaving in basic principles of Internet writing and social media reporting.

Complete with real-world examples, practical writing exercises, and tips and information for entering into the profession, MediaWriting continues to give students the tools they need to become a successful media writer. The new edition has been extensively rewritten to reflect the dynamic nature of the profession, paying significant attention to how the Internet and social media have become essential communication tools for print and broadcast journalists, and public relations professionals.

Further updates and features include:

    • Increased attention to computer-assisted reporting, the preparation of online copy, and social media applications

    • Two new chapters on lead writing and new new media

    • A separate chapter focused solely on ethics

    • Explanatory "how to" boxes that help students understand and retain main themes

    • Illustrative "It Happened to Me" vignettes from the authors’ professional experiences

    • Discussion questions and exercises at the end of every chapter

    • Suggested readings that highlight biographies, books, and websites that expand the scope and definition of professionalism

    In addition to new multimedia elements, the fourth edition’s companion website features enhanced resources for both students and instructors, including chapter overviews, writing tips, a test bank, sample critiques, and a sample syllabus.