Lolita's front cover
Rs 800
Genre:Novels, Erotic Novels
Language: English
Dimensions:5.08 x 5.08 x 5.08 inches
Weight:255 g
Published: August 25, 2011

About the Book

Humbert Humbert, a European intellectual adrift in America, is a middle-aged college professor. Haunted by memories of a lost adolescent love, he fall outrageously (and eventually illegally) in lust with his landlady's twelve-year-old daughter, Dolores Haze. Obsessed, he'll do anything, will commit any crime, to possess his Lolita.

But once Lolita belongs to Humbert, once he has got what he wants, what next? And what of Lolita? How long is she willing to be possessed?