Alejandro Junger

Dr. Alejandro Junger was born in Uruguay. He graduated from medical school there in 1990 and moved to New York City for his postgraduate training. He completed three years of training in Internal Medicine at NYU Downtown Hospital and three more years of fellowship in Cardiovascular Diseases at Lenox Hill Hospital.

His drastic change in lifestyle and diet from his move to New York City soon reflected as irritable bowel syndrome and depression. Becoming a patient of the system he was practicing was such a shock, that it started a journey to search for an alternative solution to his health problems.

His findings are the subject of his first book, Clean. In it, Dr. Junger describes how he became aware of the toxicity of our planet. He also explains how detoxification and cleansing have been around for thousands of years, but knowledge about them has been lost at at time when it is more important than ever before. Most importantly, Clean is a manual for readers to learn how to turn our detoxification systems on full speed, while supporting our bodies to maximize their effectiveness.

He lives in Los Angeles with his three children.

Books by Alejandro Junger